While I was there my brother called and wanted to know if Darren and I could help him move on Sunday. I wasn't sure if Darren wanted to do that or not so I called Darren's cell phone and left a message for him to call Mike. Mike called back and told my mom that he spoke to Darren and that Darren wanted to go up to Willow City on Saturday after he's done with work, spend the night, and then we could head to Rolla from Willow. I had no clue he wanted to go to Willow. He has a class reunion but over the weekend he said that there really wasn't anyone he wanted to talk to but one guy from his class and that they girls were prissy so he didn't want to go. Besides, the thing that is going on Saturday evening is a bonfire at someone's farm. If I wasn't pregnant, that would be a lot of fun, but at this stage I am not in the mood to sit around in smoke while he chats with people that I do not know at all while they all drink....and just because I am pregnant does not automatically designate me as the DD either. I will be extremely pissed if someone ever drags me along thinking "hey, she can't drink so it won't be a problem. She can be our DD" WRONG!!! Also, this bonfire isn't until the evening and Cassie's bedtime is 8:30. Darren isn't going to get home until 6 pm on Saturday and I am sure he is going to want to shower and eat before we leave. He can go, but I don't think Cassie and I will. We can just plan on meeting him up in Rolla on Sunday....and the trailer we are taking to help move Mikes stuff doesn't have lights so Darren can't take it after dark anyway. I am hoping that Darren tells me that he is planning this before the day he comes home.