Sunday didn't begin too good. My dad, mom, Cassie, and I were coming home from the wedding dance and we were pulled over by a cop in Cando. Dad was going a little faster than he should have been, he was only doing 38 in a 25, it was 12:30 and we just wanted to get home and into bed. Since there was nobody on the road the cop was nice and just let my dad go without a ticket. I think he was just looking for DUI's and minors. Everyone was up and around by 10 am. and we were getting ready to eat breakfast and my aunt called. My uncle took my grandma out to a place that everyone was staying at outside of Rolla after the wedding yesterday and for some unknown reason, my uncle told everyone that grandma had a dose of insulin at 5 pm and didn't need any before bed. This was news to us. The insulin during the day that grandma was getting was to help bring the sugar down but not maintain it and she still had to have her other insulin at night. So early in the morning my grandmothers blood sugar was high again and the poor woman was having some memory difficulties out there and my aunt wanted to know what to do and if they dare leave grandma along any more. Mom told her not to take grandma to the gift opening and to just get her home, and no, grandma probably can't be by herself if she isn't going to remember to take her medicine. So my aunt spent and extra night at my grandma's to keep track of her and wanted to know if my mom would take her sunday. My mom couldn't because she was working so my aunt had to take grandma back to Fargo with her just to make sure she didn't get into any trouble. Monday there is a big family meeting with the doctors to see what can be done for grandma and waht needs to be taken care of. I think they are also going to discuss the matter of getting her into assisted living sooner than later. My mom asked me about watching grandma for a while as they waited for a place to open up. It's not a problem for me but I just have to make sure that I can get myself to my doctor appointments and stuff and I am sure my mom and I can work things out for a week or two.
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