He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. ~William Shakespeare, Henry V

Monday, September 21, 2009


Cassidy is really liking school. She comes home every day and shows me what they did in school, and she tells me about her day. I am happy that she is doing so well. Sometimes, she doesn't like to do her homework before she goes outside to play, but with some encouragement, we get it done together. I did get one phone call from the school last week. She got a little rough on the playground, and thought it was funny to throw rocks, name call, and depants some of the kids. It had been going on for a little bit and the teacher and principal of the elementary school tried to handle it without calling me, but she wasn't listening to them. I spoke to Cassidy about it and explained that it hurts peoples feelings when she does that. Nobody will want to play with her if she is mean, and her recesses will be taken away too. She promised me she wouldn't do it anymore, and so far, things have been going good on the playground and I have not gotten any more phone calls.

Cassidy also learned how to ride her bike last week without training wheels. We were at a friends house and all the kids were riding their bikes and she wanted to ride like them. When we got home, we got out her bike and I taught her how to ride it. In three days she was zipping around like a pro. Now, before bed, she likes to ride her bike down the dirt road and back. I almost cried one day watching her. I cannot believe how much she is growing. Pretty soon, she will be off doing her own thing and mom won't have to be around all the time. It makes me sad thinking about it.

Jessie is doing awesome. She is still a mommies girl. I can't do too much without her right behind me. It's okay, but sometimes it can be a bit much. She rides her trike and tries to keep up with Cassidy, but Cassidy moves too fast for her. Jessie really likes to ride our new horse, Mack. Jessie is definitely more "cowgirl" than Cassidy is. Jessie has already informed me she wants cowgirl boots and a hat to wear when she rides. I don't know if they make cowboy hats that small.....and if they do, I am sure they are not cheap. I may have to save that for a Christmas or Birthday gift.

My job is starting to pick up, so I am getting a lot more hours than I used to. Sometimes I was luck to break 6 hours a week. Now, I am working about 23 hours a week. I hope the hours continue to pick up. Other than that, I try to get out and ride horse every day. Now that both the girls and bigger, and I have time after work before they need to be picked up from daycare, I find a lot more time to ride. I have really missed that since having the girls. It will be nice when both Cassidy and Jessie are riding by themselves so we can all go out riding together. I would love to find a job centered around horses. If horses were my job, it wouldn't feel like I was going to "work" every day. I think I am starting to understand the phrase, "When you do something you love or have a passion for, you will never work a day in your life." I really want to expand my little place here, put up a barn with 4 to 6 stalls, and start working with horses. I would love a full-time horse operation....that would be my heaven on earth. Also, there are many days that I prefer the company of my horses over most people.

Monday, September 14, 2009

PATRICK SWAYZE 1952 - 2009

Hollywood definately got a bit darker today with the passing of Patrick Swayze. I remember watching him in movies such as The Outsiders, Dirty Dancing, Ghost, The North & South, and (my favorite) Roadhouse.

For me, he was too young to pass on as early as he did. I was hoping that he would win his battle over cancer, even though extremely few beat the cancer that he had. I am going to miss him. I was hoping he would be around at least another 30 years.

When God needed someone to entertain heaven, he definately took one of the best this time around.

RIP Patrick. Now you are pain-free.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Last winter I posted about my friend, Blaine Albertson, passing away. He was a country man, the family owned horses, and Blaine loved to ride. With his passing, the family had to make some hard choices. One of the hardest choices that they had to make (I believe) was to sell the horses. The family didn't want Blaine's horse to go to just anyone. They wanted to make sure the horse had a good home where he would be rode and be well taken care of. So, they decided to give the horse to me.

The family and I talked back and forth all winter about the horse. Because of the bad winter and the shortage of hay everyone was experiencing, I was not able to pick up the horse. I didn't have the extra hay for another horse, nor would I be able to get a horse trailer into their yard. After a month or two, I stopped hearing from the family. This spring, I called and left a message about the horse. I thought they may have decided to keep him or found a different home for him. About a month passed and I received a phone call from Blaine's widow, Theresa. They still had the horse and still wanted me to have him. Only stipulation was that the horse had to be picked up by September. The day after Theresa called me, I went to pick up the horse.

I got to their farm and all the horses were standing in the yard. Blaine's horse definitely stuck out from the rest. The horse's name is Mecurchio (we call him Mack for short) and he is a big sorrel gelding with a white blaze and three unbelievable white socks. When we walked up to the fence, Mack came right up and begged for attention by following us around and nudging us with his nose to be pet. I brought my saddle and bridle along to ride him quickly before loading him in the trailer so I knew what to expect when I got him home. He was slow, didn't like to lope too much, and if you were lucky enough to get him into a lope he would kick back with his right hind leg going into the lope, but for me that was okay. I knew he was too lazy to run away with the girls if they wanted to ride him, and the kick back was only from a lack of being ridden.

Mack has been here at my place now for almost 2 weeks. He has become buddies with my mother's black and white blanket appaloosa, he is fed oats twice a day, and is ridden for a minimum of two hours ever day. I am happy to say that he easily goes into a lope now and does not kick back anymore. One of his favorite treats are apples so he gets many apples a day from the girls. I am very impressed with Mack. He has been a great addition to our herd. He is a complete love without a mean bone in his body. He is wonderful with the girls. He lets them pull on his mane, hang from his neck, and they run around and pat him all over his body and he doesn't shy or move away from them. In fact, he follows them around the pasture for more attention.

I am very grateful to the Albertson family for giving me this bitter-sweet gift. Mack is getting back into shape and turning out to be a great riding horse. He is also a constant reminder of Blaine and his love for horses. I sometimes wonder if Blaine looks down on me from time-to-time when I ride Mack,..........if he does, I hope I make him proud.
You can see Mack's socks very well in this pic.

My mom's black/white blanket appaloosa gelding, Oreo.

Oreo and Mack.

The two boys are best buddies.

Mack's pretty blaze.

I thought this was a good pic of Oreo so I just threw it in.


Last Monday, I was one of the happiest momma's on the planet. My eldest daughter, Cassidy, started Kindergarten.

The Sunday before school, Cassidy excitedly picked out a new outfit from Nana that she wanted to wear, she stuffed everything imaginable inside her Dora the Explorer back pack that she got from Auntie Lynnette at her last birthday party, and went to bed early without a fuss. Cassidy woke up and got out of bed right away Monday morning when I went to wake her up, and got dressed all by herself without me having to ask her.

Instead of riding the bus to school on the first day, she wanted me to take her. I gladly told her I would since I wanted to take pictures too. Cassidy talked and giggled in the car all the way to the school. When we arrived, she jumped out of the car and headed for the school door immediately. Poor Jessie and I had to run to keep up with her. When we got inside the classroom, Cassidy put everything inside her desk, said "See you after school mom." and took off to play with her classmates. I was able to slow her down long enough to take a few pictures before I left.

I am proud of myself. I didn't cry like I thought I would. I think it's mainly because I am used to taking her to daycare. However, by mid-afternoon, I was really close to calling the school to see how she was doing, but I over came the temptation, and didn't. I am proud of Cassidy too. She absolutely loves school and cannot wait to go back each day and every day I pick her up, she is excited to show me what she did in school.

I remember when she was just a little baby. I thought the day would never come when she would start school. Now that she is in Kindergarten, I wonder what happened to my baby and think how quickly she turned into a smart, bright, little girl. Our days used to be waking up in the morning, having breakfast, playing until nap time, and then finding something to do outside until supper time. Now I wake her up and she gets ready for school, then I take the girls to daycare and Cassie has breakfast and then gets on the bus. She rides the bus to daycare after school and then I pick both the girls up when I get done with work. Boy how things have changed, but I am proud of her and so happy that she likes school. I cannot wait until she gets older and starts sports and other things. I am looking forward to attending games, concerts, and even band if she wants to play an instrument.
Cassidy anxious to get int the school to start her first day.

Proudly standing in front of her classroom door.

Cassidy and her teacher, Mrs. Nybo.

Desidy Schwanke and Cassidy at their desks. Desidy is Cassidy's best friend.

Cassidy's classroom.

Cassidy playing with teh girls before class starts.


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