Late Tuesday afternoon my friend,
Ben, hit me up on
Facebook chat to wish me happy birthday. He also told me about a funny sports story that my brother was currently en-route to check out.
Carrington, ND wrestling team was disqualified from continuing participation in the regional tournament when it was discovered that the
Carrington team came into contact with a live raccoon and were unsure if it had rabies. Somehow the players came across a raccoon that they thought was dead, picked it up, and put it in storage on the bus. Later, when the storage was open, the raccoon ran out alive and well. This story even landed in The Washington Post. (If you don't believe me, just
click here)
Now this I find very amusing and disturbing. I feel bad the team couldn't compete in the finals over a raccoon, but what coach, under any reason, thinks that it is okay for kids to pickup and play with roadkill? And why would you want to pick up a dead animal and put it on the bus?
I have to admit that I laughed pretty good when I read this. I cannot wait to talk to my brother and find out what happened. That is something that is going to be talked about forever!
Now I can't get The Beatles song Rocky Raccoon out of my head.