He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. ~William Shakespeare, Henry V

Thursday, April 02, 2009


Last night was a pretty good night. After mom picked up the girls I took my Flexeril and Percocet pills. I was sleepy within a half hour and I laid down at 4:30. I slept until 8:49 and then got up. I wasn't too terribly hungry but I made something to eat anyway. I haven't been hungry since starting my meds. I also got a phone call from Brandi to see how I was doing. We talked for a little while and then she let me go so I could rest some more.

At 10:00 I took another dose of pills and I laid back down in bed and started watching the news. During the news I got a text message from the girls' dad and he said he cannot watch the girls this weekend because he has some sort of dart thing he is going to and doesn't have a sitter to watch the girls. Doesn't dart teams normally have a sub if someone cannot make it to a game? I know all the dart teams around here do. It made me upset. I can never depend on him to watch the girls for me. He hasn't realized yet that when you have children sometimes you cannot do everything you want to. You do have to sacrifice a lot of your time to children. You think he would want to see the girls more considering all the time he doesn't see them.

I called my friend Cole in Fargo. I told him the girls' father couldn't take them this weekend and I needed help since my mom works. He is going to check the schedule at work and see what he can come up with. He's going to try and come down and help me if he can. That is so great of him if he can do that for me. I am so glad that I have a wonderful family and good friends to help me with my girls when I need it. If Cole cannot do it, I don't know what I am going to do.

After talking to Cole, my meds kicked in and I got tired. I fell asleep shortly after the news and slept until 10:30 this morning! My right side hurt while getting out of bed so I took my pills right away. It's not too bad now, but I can feel myself getting sleepy. I won't be able to take any pills if I don't have help this weekend. I won't be able to stay awake to watch them.

I may have the girls back again for a bit today. My mom and dad need to run to Minot and pick some stuff up from my mom's aunt. Mom didn't say if they were going to take the girls with them or not. Since my dad isn't a "small child" type of guy, I am thinking they are not going to take them with. I hope that they pick them back up when they return if they decide not to take the girls with them.

Well, Constant Reader, my meds are kicking in again and it is time for another nap.


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