He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. ~William Shakespeare, Henry V

Friday, February 09, 2007

#@!%* COMPUTER!!

Sorry about the delay in my posts. You need to bare with me, because then h and g keys are not working on my laptop so I have to copy and paste them onto the words. I will use * to replace h and g from now on until my new laptop keyboard arrives in t*e mail.

My birt*day was yesterday. I did not *et out to do anyt*in*. Billy and I were t*inkin* about meetin* at t*e bar but I didn't *ave a babysitter for t*e kids. Darren said we will *ave dinner somew*ere on Sunday. I also *ave Darren talked into payin* off t*e two ot*er bills we *ave. Darren wanted to buy an ice *ouse for fis*in*, but I told *im if *e wanted t*e ice *ouse, we *ad to pay off bills. We will see w*at *appends w*en it comes time to write out c*ecks.

I *ave been totally en*rossed wit* t*e deat* of Anna Ni*ole Smit*. My *uess is s*e overdosed. Still depressed over loss of son and maybe sufferin* postpartum depression after birt* of *er little dau**ter, and lets not for*et t*e Trimspa lawsuit t*at started last week, I am sure *er world was an awful place
at t*is time. Ri**t now, I am watc*in* Fox News for t*e autotopsy report. If s*e did OD, it may be a few days before anyone as answers to w*at s*e took and w*at exactly *append.

Okay, all of t*e stars are tickin* me off so I need to stop and c*eck my mail for t*at new keyboard. I may post more later.


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