He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. ~William Shakespeare, Henry V

Saturday, September 10, 2005


So I didn't get my trim painted yesterday because it was too warm outside and my mom didn't come over until 5pm and I just wanted to get the dresser up to Mike and then get home before it got late.

Mike was in a bad mood because one of his co-workers was having a bad day and I guess you just can't even say hello to the guy without him getting upset over it so it irritated Mike. I went into Mike's apartment and he started clearing a path so we could get through with the dresser then we went out to get the dresser. I shut the apartment door behind me on the way out not realizing that his apartment door locks automatically when you shut it. Mike's apartment keys and his cell phone was in his apartment so we had to drive over to the landlords house and get an extra key. I felt really bad locking him out of his own apartment. After we got the dresser in the apartment, mom had some clean bedding and put one of Mike's beds together. Then we went out to eat at the Chicken Hut and then we came home. We got home around 8:00 and little Cassie crashed close to 8:30.

Today Darren got the first coat of paint on the trim. I was hoping to get outside while Cassie is taking her nap to get the second coat of paint on and then we will be ready for the siding but it's humid out even though there is a really good wind so I don't think the paint is going to dry as quickly as I hoped. Oh well, I will check it in a few hours and if it's dry I will paint, if it's not dry then I won't.

I need to get some cloths washed but I can always do that during the week because Darren doesn't bring his dirty cloths back anymore cause the guy he's staying with has a washing machine and a dryer so that's kind of nice. Darren has to get a new pair of work boots because his soles wore out and he gets rocks in his boots during the day. I figured if he got into town this afternoon than I can wash my cloths while he is gone.

I still need to check and see if Darren wants to determine the sex of the baby or not for my ultra sound on Tuesday. To make it up to April, I was thinking about running over the 1 Hour Photo with the ultra sound pics as soon as the appointment is over and showing them to her. Unless by magic she got Tuesday off.


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