He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. ~William Shakespeare, Henry V

Friday, September 02, 2005


So I took Doug's advice and just didn't say anything to Greg while he was here. Darren called me before Greg showed up and told me not to order too much from him though cause he didn't want Greg to get all the commission from our order. Darren told me where there was another driver doing a truck load sale tomorrow in DL so I was thinking about running there and getting the rest of my order.

When Greg did get here, he pulled into my yard and had to do an 80-point turn to get the truck turned around. He stopped the truck and it took him about 10 minutes before he actually came up to the door. He talked to me for a bit before I gave him my order and and afterwards he was talking about all the work Darren was doing outside and he wanted to know what color the siding was going to be and what kind of renovations, if any, were we doing inside. I just gave him quick short answers and then after about another 10 minutes he says "well I better go get your stuff". Yeah that would be nice. He was gone for a LONG time, I even had time to call my mom and talk to her before the guy got back to the house. He kind of creeped me out because he followed me around the house. And I mean he was right behind me. Everytime I turned around he was rightthere. He followed me to the freezer and watched me put stuff in, then he followed me into the living room because I was getting Cassidy ready to go see my mom, and then he followed me right to the front of the door again. If he wasn't a Schwan man, I would have thought that he was going to hurt me or something. It was just weird. Cassidy doesn't even follow me around like that!

Darren also said that the week he was in Marshall, MN at Schwan's U that Greg was driving for him and that Greg didn't finish any of his routes and he lost customers because of it and a few happend to be big customers that Darren always look forward too because they always bought a lot so Darren's mad about that too right now.

Today I go with Billy Jo to the Cando hospital. She is having her ultra sound done today and she is going to find out the sex of the baby. I think this is so cool. For once I am actually going to be at the other end of the table and I will be able to enjoy it instead of thinking "Oh my God I've gotta pee!" I just feel bad that Billy's husband can't be with her. I know that he would want to know the sex of the baby before me and he has every right to know before me but he couldn't' get the time off of work.


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