Darren and I noticed that Cassie was showing signs of being ready for potty training. She will go to a specific corner of the house when she is ready to do "business" and when she is done she will walk around and tug on the front of her pants like she is trying to pull them away from herself. One time she actually susceeded in pulling her pants off. She will try and wipe herself when I change her diaper and she is really curious on whats going on when Darren and I go to the bathroom. I think the next trip into Devils Lake we are going to have to get a potty chair. I can't believe how big she has gotten in just a year and a half. I never EVER thought that I would be putting her in a potty chair so soon. There's a down side and an upside to this. It forces me to realize the big girl she has become and that she isn't a baby anymore, she's a toddler getting bigger faster than I ever imagined, but I won't have to worry about spending money on diapers when she can use the bathroom.
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