My mom is concerned about my Grandma. Yesterday my mom went to my Grandma's apartment to help her with a few things. While my mom was there, Grandma told her that her rent went up and so she had to go to the bank and sign something so that the extra amount will withdrawal from her account since her rent is automatically deducted, but she couldn't find the bank. My mom asked Grandma what she meant by "couldn't find the bank". Grandma told her that she drove to where the bank was but it wasn't there anymore. The whole building was gone. Mom told her that the building is next to Home of Economy and that it was still there. Grandma said that is where she went but swears that the building is gone. Today mom is going to have Grandma drive her to the bank and see where they end up. Last Friday at my Home Interiors party, Grandma and I were looking through a book and she started to comment on how pretty the lighthouses were. I didn't see any lighthouses in the book and I asked her where she found them. She told me that I was looking at them. Instead of lighthouses, it was two kids flying kites. She ask me if I was sure and I told her that I was pretty positive they were kids flying kites. this worries me too because she could get lost or even into a bad accident if she can't see things or if she forgets where she is going. I feel really bad for my Grandma. It's hard watching something like that happen to people that you love. It brings back a lot of memories from when my Grandma Savaloja got very VERY forgetful and lost her mind before she past away. I didn't expect to go through something like that again just yet. For the most part, I just hope that my mom and her brother and sisters can keep her out of a nursing home as long as they can.
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