He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. ~William Shakespeare, Henry V

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Today, with Darren's help, I got the horses moved to my parents place. I went outside today so Cassie could play in the yard and to fill the water tank and when I looked out across the pasture the grass looked grey. The horses had eaten the grass down so much you can actually see the dirt right through the grass and the pasture grass just isn't growing worth a darn right now. I called my dad and let him know that I was bringing them over. The horsetrailer has been at there place since last spring so I collected the cloths and Cassie's stuff and we went to my parents, dropped Cassie and the cloths off then put air in the trailer tires and came back for the horses. When I put Cholla in the trailer, Tango followed her right inside. I had Darren close the trailer door while I was still inside and had him hand me Tango's halter through the bars in the trailer and he stood like a perfect gentleman as I put his halter on. Darren opened up the trailer back up and I took Tango out and tied him to the hitching post, then I loaded Luna. I led Tango into the barn and tied him to a corner post in the barn and then shut the barn door. This way if Tango somehow got his rope untied he still couldn't get away. Besides, I like to have him confined since he's being weaned it's easier to work with him because he will be constantly looking for mommy and his behavior will be a little rough for a couple of days until he learns to handle things without her. We got the mares to my parents and they didn't even miss Tango. They were nice and quiet When we let them loose in the pasture, instead of running around looking for Tango, they immediately went right to eating the good grass that's growing in their pasture. Later in the evening before I came home with Cassie, I ran back to the barn by myself just to make sure that Tango hadn't kicked the door open or hurt himself in any way. He was doing great just munching on a hay bale. I grabbed his lead and brought him outside. He whinnied like crazy and wanted to run so bad. I held on to his rope and let him trot circles around me. I was going to let him loose in the pasture tonight but because Darren was gone in DL to see April and Kevin, I didn't dare let him loose because he was acting pretty frisky and I didn't want to risk him running through the fence to look for the mares in the middle of the night when I couldn't catch him because Cassie would be in bed. I led him back in the barn and he started back on his hay and I shut the door. Tomorrow should be really fun. I will take my camera with me because Tango will look pretty running around the pasture in the daylight.


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