He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. ~William Shakespeare, Henry V

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Well, we didn't actually go to the circus but my dad did. He's a shriner and goes to those things and helps out if he can. I wish we could have taken Cassie. The circus was in Minot and dad said they had bear cubs they were taking pictures with. They were about three months old and dad said they were nothing but hair...how cute! Also, there was this fat lioness. She was a wuss but there was a Plexiglas cage that she stayed in. Dad said when people took their pics next to her, they took the pic in such a way that you couldn't see the glass and it looked like you were actually standing right next to her. There was also the pony and elephant rides. They didn't have monkeys or dogs though...that's kind of nice since that is the only things you see in Jose Coles Circus that comes to DL. Dad said he was selling Hershey candy bars for a buck. Inside the wrapper of some of the bars were stars. Depending on the color of the star, you got a prize. They ranged from little stuffed dogs to a free bicycle of their choice (worth $125) from any store of choice. He had a guy come over and buy 40 bars and didn't get one ticket, a lady came up next and bought 5 bars and got two stars! I think they sold $10,000 in bars. After things were done dad said he wanted a stuffed dog for Cassie. He picked out this really cute black and brown stuffy that looks like a rotweiler pup. Also, (all shriners have them) my dad got her a fez with her name on it! It's really cool! I think it's weird that he got one for his Grand daughter but neither of us three kids got one. I know... a lot of you are probably thinking that those little red hats are stupid looking but my dad has been at this a long LONG time and I am used to seeing them. I can't wait until I can get a pic of Cassie in her fez and my dad in his. I think that would be just an awesome pic. I will post the pics when I get them taken.


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