I noticed the other night that Cassie was starting to get the red spots on her arm and she had a couple on her legs. I wasn't too sure what they were but I though she might be allergic to something. I called my mom and she told me to let it go over night and see if they were still there in the morning. Well today when I was getting close on her, I noticed that the spots on her legs were noticeably larger and Cassie started to scratch at them a lot. I showed them to my mom after her bath tonight and my mom isn't sure what they are from because they aren't swollen and puffy like normal hives, they are just big spots. They have to be irritating or she wouldn't be scratching. I didn't give Cassie her amoxicillan before bed just in case it's the meds that she is breaking out from. If they are still there in the morning I am going to call the clinic and see what they suggest. If Dr Petty wants to see Cassie I may make the appointment for Friday so I won't miss any work, unless they can get me in later in the afternoon so I can at least get my FedEx finished.
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