It was over 60 degrees today so Cassie and I went outside after breakfast to play with the dog and horses. We stayed out until 11 and then when she came back in we had lunch and then she had her nap. When she got up, we went with dad to Cenex so that we could get an air tank to fill a tire on his motorcycle that was a little low. We even took the dog and let him ride in the back of the truck box. Cassie played in the yard a little more when we got home and then we went over to my mom's so I could go to work. When I got there, my mom had two new Baby Einstein DVD's for us. Baby MacDonald and Baby Da Vinci. When I got done with work and went to pick Cassie up, she was taking a nap. That was cool because I got to watch most of American Idol and when she woke I just gave her a bath at moms. My brother called this afternoon. They are supposed to get some thunder showers in Virginia and he also told me that he was going to a NASCAR race in Martinsville (I think it's Martinsville anyway). The people that he is staying with have a dog that is half great dane and half lab. The dog is big but it sleeps 23 hours of the day and could stand to loose about 20 lbs according to Mike. It was good to talk to him for a bit. I think this weekend Darren is going to go bike riding, I have to do cloths this weekend and I also have church. I was hoping to get horse riding in but I don't know if I will because my mare had COPD, which is pretty much just asthma, and she has been breathing heavy the last couple of days. I have cortisone but I am not sure how much to give her and I called the vet but the vet hasn't called back yet so if I am thinking about calling the vet back tomorrow because I want my horse to get better.
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