He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. ~William Shakespeare, Henry V

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


On Monday evening when Darren was at work, his part-time employee punched out for work like he normally does and went home for dinner. Two hours later the part-timer still hadn't come back yet. When I got off work at 8:30 I had to run to my Avon rep and pick up my order that had come in on Friday. Close to my reps home, I thought I saw the part-timers car parked in front of his friends girlfriends house. After I picked up my stuff I doubled back to check, and sure enough, it was his car. I got to my parents place at a quarter to nine and I called Darren to let him know where the guy was. Darren called his mom, and his mom said that he was sleeping and asked if he was in trouble. Darren got the guy on the phone and asked if he was coming back to work or not and the guy said "No, I am going to stay home. I was thinking about quitting". Of course this made Darren really mad, but could you blame him. That left him with only two other employees and on Tuesday there was only going to be Darren and one other guy. Needless to say, the part-timer doesn't have a job anymore even if he did come back to work the following day. Sometimes, I just don't get people. They need a job because they want the money to buy things and be able to afford just to live, but yet, they don't want to work for it.


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