No More Bottle
Being a nursing mommy, I had to pump and store breast milk to be used in a bottle when she was looked after by other people when I was gone (mostly my mother). Because there was that bottle use, I let Cassidy use her bottle a lot longer than she should have. I am happy to say now that I finally have her totally off the bottle....YEAH! NO MORE BOTTLES!!! and people out there without babies don't know what kind of new freedom that actually is. The normal guide lines is that a baby should be off the bottle by the time that they are 1 and the WIC ladies kind of gave me a lot of crap about it because I didn't wean Cassidy from breast straight to a cup...well how could I when other people had to give her bottles? But I am very proud when people ask me about my nursing experiance because Cassidy got nothing but breast milk until the time she was 1 and could take cow milk so we never had to spend the money for formula and that makes me very proud...even if I didn't use a cup right away.
At February 2, 2005 at 10:13 PM,
Karissa (mommy) said…
Congrats on no more boob pumping!!! I couldn't imagine breast feeding, let alone for that long. I think breast milk is definitely the best for a baby, but I couldn't do it. It just creeped me out. I told my first doctor (yes, I had several doctors because Altru is fucked up), that I wasn't going to breast feed and she kept tryig to pressure me into doing it. I just didn't like the idea of it, but part of me feels guilty that I don't. I couldn't imagine having to manipulate my breasts all the time, several times a day. I think women that breast feed are great, and part of me wishes I would feel comfortable with it, but I do have the freedom of being able to hand people a thing of formula and telling them how to mix, and not worrying about if there's enough or not. I hate how peoople judge you just because you let your kid drink from a bottle longer than is "normal". I think with all the information out there, doctors, family, and strangers giving you advice you definitely have to just do what you think is right. I'd question it if you still had her using the at 8 years, but I don't think there's anything wrong with what you decided. Overall you do know what's best for your own child. Just know that I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to people giving you advice that makes you feel shitty. Congrats again, and I hope she likes her big girl cup!!
At February 2, 2005 at 11:14 PM,
Josie, group organizer said…
Actually there is no right and wrong age to hit a certain milestone or do this or that.(I mean obviously if you're 8 like Karissa said then it's common sense but I think you know what I mean) Developmental pysc is starting to actually view things differently. Let's say you gave her a cup right away after the breast but she was the type to be very emotional about change. It might have been too dramatic of a change for her. Either way it doesn't matter. I'm proud of you for being able to nurse during teething and for so long.
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