He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. ~William Shakespeare, Henry V

Monday, July 03, 2006


Boy! What a busy weekend.

On Saturday I took the girls up to the Leeds parade. We were going to ride my horse but there just wasn't enough time to get things together by myself. So we spent the night at my mom's on Friday and then just walked up town in the afternoon. Cassie made a haul in candy, and the only time Jessie cried was when the stupid fire trucks turn on their sirens. Darren was driving a Schwan's truck in the Harvey centennial parade so we wasn't with us.

Saturday evening Darren and I took my glide rocker to the Devils Lake Wal-Mart and the manager there gave me a gift card for a brand new chair. I ordered the chair yesterday and should receive it between the 7th and the 14th.

I ordered some clothing for Cassie and I out of one of my western magazines last week and I am waiting for those to come. I hope they come sometime this week. I am very impatient when it comes to mail orders.

Yesterday one of my high school classmates had a pig roast at her parents house so the girls and I went to that. I asked Darren to come with but he said no. That isn't his kind of thing. He isn't very social like that. He said he was just going to finish up washing some work clothes and then go back to Harvey.

I had a wonderful time catching up with some of my old classmates. I was really surprised at how many of us have children now and about 80% of my class is living in Fargo. I guess that's the place to be.

Cassie had to have a time out because she starting to throw rocks at this cute little boy. Earlier someone else caught her doing it and told her to stop. A half hour later I decided to go check Cassie because she can get pretty bossy and I just happened to walk outside and catch her in mid-swing throwing another rock. I was not impressed. I made her sit in the kitchen for about a half hour and I told her that nobody is going to want to play with her and be her friend if she is mean and she wasn't allowed to touch any more rocks.

We left my friends around 9:30 and then we stopped at my moms because Mike was home. Mike played in a basketball tournament in Leeds that started at 2 pm and his team must have done pretty well because he got in about a half hour after we got to my moms.

The girls and I finally got in around 11 and both girls went right to bed and were quiet all night. Darren left a really cute note saying thank you for his birthday cards, his birthday was on the 1st, and that he really loves me and is proud of how I am taking care of the girls and doing well in my classes at the same time. He doesn't show emotion so I was really shocked by the note and it made me feel really good.

Today Jessie has her 6 month check up and then I may run out to Wal-Mart and get the curtains for the girls room. The rods and things are so cute that I decided I just HAVE to buy them.


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