Irma's funeral has been set for Wednesday at 2pm. There is a viewing Tuesday that starts at 9am. I am not sure how I am going to be able to work things out because I can't find a babysitter and my mom is extremely busy at work and can't take time off to watch the girls. I would like to go to the viewing but I may have to skip that all together and for the funeral I may just stay at the house until the service is over and then take the kids up to the church for lunch when the service ends. Since Cassie knew Grandma Irma, it's not wise to take her to the funeral because she is going to ask questions that will be hard for us to answer and Cassie won't understand anyway. I would like to attend everything but I have a feeling that I won't be able to which upsets me a little bit because I would like to say goodbye to grandma too. I was thinking that maybe if I take the kids up Tuesday that everyone can go ahead and go to the funeral home for the viewing and when people come back then someone could go with me to Bottinue to the funeral home but I don't know if anyone is going to want to go back after already being there and I don't know how long they plan on staying there before coming back. I really don't want to go by myself and I don't know where the funeral home is, I am sure it's easy to find but I don't want to drive around looking for it. We will have to see how everything works out.
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