What A Day
I was able to see Dr Petty at 3:45 today. So I left work at 2 and my mom picked Cassidy up from the sitter when she got home. Dr Petty asked if anyone had blood clots in our family and a clot is what could be giving me the charlie horse in my leg. The only person in our family to have blood clots is my grandma and that was a long time ago. He didn't do anything about it but does want me to monitor it and I am supposed to see him in 2 weeks. I also had a wart starting to grow (eeww, I know) on the bottom of my heel and it was painful when I walked so Dr Petty also removed that from my heel while I was there. My brother called tonight. His job interview went great and he goes back to the same place tomorrow and he will be there from 8 to 5 and he will know by Friday if he gets the job. It's like an ad adgency where they promote all sorts of things...music, sports, food, clothing, ect... and they make sales ads, even billboards. I think that's pretty cool. Cassidy is turning into a rocker. Any music that comes on and she jumps, runs in circles, waves her arms, and shakes her head. It's really funny to watch. Another thing she has started to do is stuff her socks under the couch. She was trying to do that for a half an hour over at my mom's place. Man, I am never going to be able to find anything anymore, but on the plus side she is going to make me keep my hosue pretty clean. The rest of this week and over the weekend I am going to work on cleaning our bakc bedroom so we can actually use it. It will be nice to get all our junk out of there and clean it up.
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