My father and I made it to Mendard's on Friday. The Wainscot pine cost a little more then we were expecting. However, checking prices on other decorative wood and paneling, the Wainscot was still the cheapest by $130. I also found a perfect chandelier for my bedroom too. My father asked me if I had to have it, I said YES, and so that was purchased too. The chandelier looks awesome in the bedroom. The pics below this post do not do the chandelier any justice, but it is beautiful. I am proud to say that I wired it all in myself and the chandelier worked on the first attempt. Go, Janelle!!
Today I have my stitches removed. YEA!!!! I cannot wait for them to come out. I am going to head into town early so that I can get Wal-Mart and grocery shopping done. I also have to go to Mac's Hardware store and get special nails for the Wainscot. I am probably not going to start putting the in Wainscot for a bit, unless Nichole comes over and decides that we can do that in short order too like the closet. I just want the nails handy just in case I do decide to start right away. Though, I already know the Wainscot is not going to be as easy as the other projects. This spring I am buying the rest of the siding for the house so that can be completed. The bathroom and the hallway also need some work done. I am waiting until the tax return to start those. As soon as the return comes in, my father and I need to make another run to Menard's to get the siding, a new tub, some flooring, and a few other odd things. Ugh, I am starting to regret that I started this whole home makeover. I cannot wait until it's all done.
Today I have my stitches removed. YEA!!!! I cannot wait for them to come out. I am going to head into town early so that I can get Wal-Mart and grocery shopping done. I also have to go to Mac's Hardware store and get special nails for the Wainscot. I am probably not going to start putting the in Wainscot for a bit, unless Nichole comes over and decides that we can do that in short order too like the closet. I just want the nails handy just in case I do decide to start right away. Though, I already know the Wainscot is not going to be as easy as the other projects. This spring I am buying the rest of the siding for the house so that can be completed. The bathroom and the hallway also need some work done. I am waiting until the tax return to start those. As soon as the return comes in, my father and I need to make another run to Menard's to get the siding, a new tub, some flooring, and a few other odd things. Ugh, I am starting to regret that I started this whole home makeover. I cannot wait until it's all done.
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