Cassie has been using her potty chair pretty good. I can't say that she's excellent at it by any means because it's still a "hit or miss" kind of a deal. Either I take her to the potty too soon or she has already gone by the time we get to the bathroom. But she does come up to you and say "potty potty potty" and will run to the bathroom and when I take her pants and pull-up off, she will go in her potty chair. So I think it's a great start. I went back to use the bathroom the other day and the toilet didn't flush (it didn't over flow either thank God). I tried to plung it but that didn't seem to work either. I stopped and kind of just stared at the top of the toilet tank and that's when I noticed the lid to the candle jar I keep on the toilet take was missing. I have a pretty good idea now what's wrong with my toilet and where the jar lid might be. I am waiting for Darren to get up early enough some day when he hasn't worked all night long and fix the toilet. I am praying to God that Cassie didn't try to flush it down the toilet but after the accident with her stuffed chicken Darren is almost positive it's in there.
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