He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. ~William Shakespeare, Henry V

Monday, April 25, 2005


Darren's parents arrived at my mom and dad's around a quarter to five. Darren had called about ten minutes before their arrival and said that he was just leaving Rolla. When Darren did get to my parents house, we all went back over to our place for a brief moment before going to the Pizza Hut in Rugby. While we were at our place, Grandma Hanson gave Cassie some new shoes. They are size 7 so she has time to grow into them yet. They are really cute and they have blue LCD lights on them and they are really bright. Today after I made breakfast, I was getting read to bake a cake so Darren had something to take to work with his lunch this week. I was getting some veg oil out of the cupboard and a the little cinnamon jar fell onto the floor. Not thinking about it, I left it on the floor because it wasn't going to hurt anything. Well Cassie found it and she managed to work the top open and when I looked over my shoulder she had dumped half the jar onto the floor and herself. She was drawing pictures in it with her fingers. It was cute, but I took the jar away and cleaned up the mess. Then after the cake was done we went outside and played for 45 minutes. It was really chilly but Cassie didn't want to come in so I brought the dog inside to get her to come in. My mom is coming over to watch Cassie while I am at work this evening because my dad isn't home today, also, this way I can work late and I don't have to worry about getting Cassie to bed. I also got a phone call from Early Head Start and they want to come over to the house tomorrow after 7pm. I thought that was a little late but I work all day and the Head Start lady has other appointments in Leeds. We will have to see how this first appointment goes and maybe if it's alright we will keep them coming but it will be so late when she gets to our house that I will put Cassie to bed shortly after she gets here.


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