Today I amazed myself by getting both children into the car and to our 10:40 am WIC appointment on time. Jessie was even feed and ready to go for 3 hours. WIC took a lot longer than I thought it was going to. They have a new computer system that helps them get things done but it takes the WIC lady forever to enter all the info into they system and run off the checks. We were there for almost an hour and a half, but I got my checks so I can't complain.
After WIC I went to the gas station to put some fuel in the car. Brandi caught up with me there and then we went over to the resturant to eat. Brandi also said that she would watch Cassie for me on Wednesday of next week so that Jessie and I can make it to Baby & I. I feel bad for Brandi right now because she isn't going to get any of her expected income tax back....the government that she so proudly served screwed up and isn't going to see a nickel of it.
Tomorrow I am just going to hang out and do some light work around the house. Then on Friday Jessie has an appointment with her doctor at 4:15 and I need to take Jessie over to Mary Anne and have her weighted in the nursery before all three of us go to the appointment together. I am hoping that Jessie has gained about a pound and we don't have to do weekly doctor visits much longer.
Darren isn't going to be home this weekend because he has to go with some of the other Schwan's drivers to Fargo for an awards banquet deal so I won't see Darren for two weeks....bummer.
After WIC I went to the gas station to put some fuel in the car. Brandi caught up with me there and then we went over to the resturant to eat. Brandi also said that she would watch Cassie for me on Wednesday of next week so that Jessie and I can make it to Baby & I. I feel bad for Brandi right now because she isn't going to get any of her expected income tax back....the government that she so proudly served screwed up and isn't going to see a nickel of it.
Tomorrow I am just going to hang out and do some light work around the house. Then on Friday Jessie has an appointment with her doctor at 4:15 and I need to take Jessie over to Mary Anne and have her weighted in the nursery before all three of us go to the appointment together. I am hoping that Jessie has gained about a pound and we don't have to do weekly doctor visits much longer.
Darren isn't going to be home this weekend because he has to go with some of the other Schwan's drivers to Fargo for an awards banquet deal so I won't see Darren for two weeks....bummer.
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