He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. ~William Shakespeare, Henry V

Monday, July 09, 2007


Friday, I busted my butt to get homework done so that we could go back out to Billy and Vinny's. It was so dang hot that we stayed home and enjoyed our air conditioner and waited until Jessie was done with her nap before heading out.

Vinny had the War Wagon out and ready go to. He made a dirt track so all the boys could take it out for a little fun. I thought the Wagon was an old derby car, but I was wrong. Tearing around and acting like being in a really bad episode of Dukes of Hazard is exactly why he got the car. Better yet, the car was free! Darren got to ride in it and said he liked it. Too bad the car had a regulator problem so us girls didn't get our ride. I will get my ride, after all, it's not like that will be the last time we are at their house and the car is not going anywhere.

We had some liquor left over to make more Black Beards. Billy thought they tasted like root beer Popsicles. Needless to say, we spent the night at their farm again.

I have basically finished my Intro to Computers class. I finished all of my homework and completed my final exam last night. The only thing left is my 150 PowerPoint project that doesn't need to be turned in until August 1.

I lost my SUM CD for surgical transcription. That CD as all the doctor dictations on it that I need to transcribe. Without it, I cannot finish my Surgical Transcription class. Darren and I have dug everywhere for it and cannot find. I am freaking out over it because that is a BAD class to fall behind in. If it get to far behind, I may not be able to catch up.

Cassie has Level I swimming lessons starting on July 16 - 27. She will be in the big pool. I am excited about it. I hope she has fun. I have tried a few times to get her into the big pool but I think it scares her a little bit. She is not keen on wearing her water wings, but she will have to get used to them fast...she has to wear her water wings in the big pool during her lessons. I am hoping that my mom will watch Jessie while I am with Cassie at the pool. It will be tough to have Jessie with at the pool. She is a water baby and will want to swim too.

I will catch all of you later, I have laundry to finish and I am going to start ripping the house apart looking for my SUM CD.


  • At July 11, 2007 at 2:41 PM, Blogger Tigre said…

    did you look behind the bushes? tell the kids that you have a fun game for them, then tell them that there's a shiny cd out there for them to find. The first one to find it gets a happy meal!

  • At July 13, 2007 at 12:58 PM, Blogger Tigre said…

    did you find it? maybe you can find it on limewire and burn it.


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