The girls and I called Billy Jo and we went to see the puppies today...mainly Delilah. When the puppies were born Delilah was the runt of the litter but she was not all that much smaller than the rest. Now the size difference between Del and her siblings is very noticeable and she is much thinner too. Billy has started to feed Del by herself away from the other pups. She and her husband figure that since Del is so much smaller than the other puppies, they push her out of the way to get to the food and Del isn’t strong enough to push back so she doesn’t get as much food as the others. If she had one-on-one attention and food away from the other pups, my friend thinks she will do really well, but right now it is a little rough for her. This makes me want Delilah even more than before. I have always been a sucker for sick animals that need care. I got that from my dad. My dad could never turn away a starving, injured, or disabled animal either. I want to bring her home, if anything to just get her fat and strong like the other pups. It breaks my heart thinking that if Del was a pup in the wild she would have a 95% chance of not making it because of the siblings. Thank goodness Billy and her husband are there to look out for her. Now how to I tell my husband that the puppy I want for Mother’s Day is sick and needs some special attention when he doesn’t even want her in the first place. If I do get her, that it is a very big “IF”, the first thing I am going to do is make a vet appointment and have Delilah checkout and have vaccinations done right away. That way we will know if there is something more than just siblings holding Del down
At May 12, 2007 at 12:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Two thoughts: One, I think the puppy ought to be checked out before you buy her- it wouldn't be right for your friend to sell her to you if they didn't know what health she was in, and you don't want the girls to get too attached if, god forbid, she doesn't make it. Perhaps you could work something out where you would reimburse her for the vet visit, IF the dog is in good health - that's how it would work with a professional breeder. Two, where does Darren get off not 'allowing' you to get that puppy? Its your house/family too, and it shouldn't be just that he gets to make all the decisions. Besides, we all know taking care of the dog would be you doing all the work anyway...
At May 13, 2007 at 6:52 AM,
Karissa (mommy) said…
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