He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. ~William Shakespeare, Henry V

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Every one around York is upset that we and our neighbors across the tracks are pushing for zoning to try and protect ourselves and put limits on this bio diesel plant that is being built. They don't care about all the smog emissions, methanol, and glycerin because they all live on the West end of town and we are the only ones that are really going to be effected by it because we live 100 feet from it AND WE HAVE CHILDREN.

These people are not thinking about the safety of our families and definitely not about the safety of our children. If we didn't have the girls, I probably won't be so upset about the whole thing as I am.

The man who is putting the plant together plans to run it continuously 24/7. So all the hazards and smog will be pouring out all the time. I can basically forget about opening up my windows on a nice cool summer afternoon or evening to enjoy the fresh air. Everything will be blowing over into the house.

The guy is trying to cut corners too and build things the cheap way. Not necessarily the safest way. He asked a company in town to go over and weld some things for him but when they company told him how they would have to do it and what it would all cost, the guy flipped out and said that was too expensive and he told them how he would like it done. They company told him no, because if they did it his way it wouldn't meet standards and if something happened then it would come back on their company and not his plant. The guy also wanted all the piping in the plan to be made out of plastic or PVC. The company doing the piping for him said they definitely wouldn't touch the plant if they weren't putting in steel piping.

I have started to think that this guy is thinking only about making it as cheap as possible so he can start making his money. He obviously doesn't care about the safety of us two families living next to his plant.

PAYETTE, ID -- Investigators say they now know what caused an explosion at a New Plymouth biodiesel plant last week that killed a Meridian man.

One man died at a fire and explosion at a New Plymouth biodiesel plant last Friday.
The Payette County Sheriff's Office released its findings today into the explosion and subsequent fire at the plant that left 25-year-old Blaise Black dead.

The cause of the fire was determined to be an explosion of a 25,000 gallon steel holding tank that Blaise was working on. The tank contain about 30 to 40 gallons of glycerin and methanol liquid mix. Both products are flammable and give off flammable vapors.

Investigators say at the time of the explosion Blaise was working on the top of the tank attempting to install a two-inch steel pipe with a 90-degree elbow on the end to function as a vent on the top of the tank. During the installation of the vent tube a steel two-inch cap was removed from the side of the tank where the vent was to be installed. This allowed the vapors to escape from the tank. When Blaise lit his cutting torch it ignited the vapors, which triggered the fire and explosion.

The Payette County coroner says Blaise it appears Blaise died from blunt force trauma as a result of the explosion.

The explosion would have thrown him violently upward against the ceiling and a large beam that was above him. As a result of the explosion, the ceiling and beam came down and trapped him on the top of the tank. The force of the impact would have killed him immediately.


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